Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The IP addresses of NS2 and NS3 DNS servers have changed

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The IP addresses of NS2 and NS3 DNS servers have changed

Unfortunately, a forced replacement.

The original letter from the hosting:

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Due to an 80% increase in costs in our Montreal and Roubaix locations imposed by our provider there, we are sunsetting those locations on 31 January 2023.

Virtual machines and attached volumes can be migrated to our flagship Toronto location by following the instructions at https://www.lunanode.com/guides/migrate.

We will migrate any virtual machines remaining in Montreal or Roubaix after 31 January 2023 to Toronto.

This is not a decision we have made lightly. You will receive three months of free credit for machines that you migrate before 31 January 2023, and one month of free credit for machines that we migrate for you after 31 January 2023. The credit will be added to your account funds on 31 January 2023.

DNS, e-mail, and monitoring services will not be affected, although some server IPs will change.

We sincerely apologize for any disruption this causes, and thank you for your understanding. Please open a support ticket from https://dynamic.lunanode.com/panel/support if you need assistance with migrating your services.

The LunaNode Team
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The support service confirmed that the IP addresses will need to be changed after the migration.

Alas, in our case, this will not solve the problem.

It was decided to replace the NS2 and NS3 DNS servers.

Old IP addresses:
NS2 (Canada)
NS3 (France)

The NS1 server in Slovenia will remain unchanged because it is located with another hosting company.

In the near future, amendments will be made to the instructions on the service's website to keep information about DNS servers up to date.

If you do NOT use DNS server binding in your OpenVPN connection manually, you do not need to change anything.
If you have configured DNS server IP binding, please update your network configuration.

New IP addresses:
NS2 (Canada)
NS3 (France)

As of December 13, 2022, in the configuration files of the VPN servers of the service, all the necessary changes have already been made and the servers have been restarted.

The work of the old NS2 and NS3 DNS servers will be gradually suspended.
3-4 configurations will be disconnected (processing DNS requests from VPN servers) per day. After that, the specified DNS servers will be cleaned and disconnected from the network.


Изменились IP-адреса NS2 и NS3 серверов DNS

К сожалению, вынужденная замена.

Оригинал письма от хостинга:

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Due to an 80% increase in costs in our Montreal and Roubaix locations imposed by our provider there, we are sunsetting those locations on 31 January 2023.

Virtual machines and attached volumes can be migrated to our flagship Toronto location by following the instructions at https://www.lunanode.com/guides/migrate.

We will migrate any virtual machines remaining in Montreal or Roubaix after 31 January 2023 to Toronto.

This is not a decision we have made lightly. You will receive three months of free credit for machines that you migrate before 31 January 2023, and one month of free credit for machines that we migrate for you after 31 January 2023. The credit will be added to your account funds on 31 January 2023.

DNS, e-mail, and monitoring services will not be affected, although some server IPs will change.

We sincerely apologize for any disruption this causes, and thank you for your understanding. Please open a support ticket from https://dynamic.lunanode.com/panel/support if you need assistance with migrating your services.

The LunaNode Team
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В службе поддержки подтвердили, что IP адреса необходимо будет изменить после миграции.

Увы, в нашем случае, это не решит проблему.

Принято решение о замене DNS серверов NS2 и NS3.

Старые IP адреса:
NS2 (Канада)
NS3 (Франция)

Сервер NS1 в Словении останется без изменений, потому что расположен у другой хостинг-компании.

В ближайшее время будут внесены поправки в инструкции на сайте сервиса для поддержания информации о DNS серверах в актуальном состоянии.

Если Вы НЕ используете привязку DNS серверов в Вашем OpenVPN-подключении вручную - Вам не нужно ничего менять.
Если у Вас настроена привязка IP DNS-серверов, пожалуйста, обновите конфигурацию Вашей сети.

Новые IP адреса:
NS2 (Канада)
NS3 (Франция)

По состоянию на 13 декабря 2022 года, в файлах конфигурации VPN-серверов сервиса, все необходимые изменения уже внесены и серверы были перезапущены.

Работа старых DNS серверов NS2 и NS3 будет постепенно приостанавливаться.
Отключаться будет по 3-4 конфигурации (обработка DNS-запросов от VPN-серверов) в сутки. После чего, указанные DNS серверы будут зачищены и отключены от сети.

Version: GnuPG v1



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